
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A College Lighting Class in 160 Pages

Wednesday, October 30, 2013
As my title suggests I am talking about a book, Location Lighting Handbook for Portrait Photographers By Stephanie Zetti. I recently read this book and was impressed with how much quality information it had in it. But before I really review this book I'm going to give you a little background on me. Specifically my college days. I went to a pretty good technical school for a two year program in Photography. However as good as this school was/is the lighting class I was required to take fell short. Quite short. I was very close to requesting a refund and then retaking the course. I didn't but in hindsight I probably should have. It took me years to learn on my own through trial and error what I should have learned in a semester. But back to the present and my review. This book has in it the information I should have learned back then. It covers different lighting types and how to recognize them and use them. It also talks about how to modify those situations to suite your needs and then how to create lighting set ups from scratch to get what you want. It is seriously well worth reading. Especially if you are in or took a college lighting class that didn't stack up.
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