
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Back to the book reviews- Storytelling Techniques for Digital Filmmakers by Ross Hockrow

Sunday, March 2, 2014
I got this book awhile ago and just recently got around to reading it. I always used to think that filming a movie would be only slightly different than still photography and thought I would someday try my hand at it. I had my eyes opened by reading this book though. There is SO much that goes into a movie. Besides the things that relate to still photography like camera settings and similar equipment there are the types of scenes, transitions, story plot, and audio to think about. Audio is a huge one. Every sound has to be tracked separately, down to the sound of a can of pop being opened to make it all sound real and flow properly. This book is really just the beginning though. Enough to either whet the appetite or scare you off completely from becoming a filmmaker.
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