
Friday, October 23, 2015

A Different Niche

Friday, October 23, 2015
As the author states in the introduction this is not a book about CSI photography like on the tv show. That is a separate area. It is about just what the title says- legal photography which is significantly different. It was an interesting read since it is an area of photography I know little about. It is highly detailed work because of where the images are used. If you are exploring trying to find your niche you may want to give this a read and see if legal photography might be right for you.
Find it here:
Amherst Media
Barnes & Noble

Monday, October 19, 2015

Review of Jeff Smith's Step by Step Lighting for Outdoor Portrait Photography

Monday, October 19, 2015
I've read several of Jeff Smith's books and he always does an excellent job of getting to the point in an honest way. In this book he covers all of the components of outdoor sessions. From choosing locations and time of day to posing and lighting situations unique to taking portraits outdoors. He also covers how to utilize what you know from the studio and using your equipment outdoors to get a portrait your client will love. I'd recommend adding this to your photography library if you are an avid outdoor portrait shooter or if you'd like to be.

Find it here:
Amherst Media
Barnes & Noble

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

So it's been awhile

Wednesday, October 14, 2015
It's been quite some time since I did a book review. I was having a splendidly busy summer and just did not have the time to get to them. But now it's fall and I have a bunch of books read and needing to be reviewed. Here's the first one.

Maximizing Profits by Lori Nordstrom

Reading this book was perfectly timed for my business. I'm in the process of planning out some things and this book has given me some great ideas of where I need to go. She does a great job of giving you an overview of what's important to get and keep happy clients and have a happy, profitable business at the same time. There are exercises throughout the book to get you thinking about different aspects of your business. She also gives personal examples of the thank you notes she sends out and explains when she is sending them. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to putting her suggestions to use where I can. Also side note a few years ago I attended a seminar that she spoke at and was just as impressed with her book as I was seeing and hearing her in person.

Find this book here:
Amherst Media
Barnes & Noble

Sobas Photos © 2014